Christine Yang, Duanchen Liu, Qingyun Yang, Zoey Liu and Emily Prud'hommeaux. 2021. Predicting pragmatic discourse features in the language of adults with autism spectrum disorder. In In Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics Student Research Workshop (ACL-IJCNLP SRW), 284–291.
Christine Yang, Dora Liu, Alison Canfield, Christine Hoffkins, Jill Aldrich, Sarah Farash, Laura Silverman, and Emily Prud'hommeaux. 2021. Distinctive Features of Pragmatic Expression in Adults with ASD. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR-2021), virtual.
Christine Yang, Emily Prud'hommeaux, Laura Silverman, and Allison Canfield. 2020. Toward Characterizing the Language of Adults with Autism in Collaborative Discourse. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Resourcess and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic data from people with various forms of cognitive, psychiatric, developmental impairments (RaPID-3), 54-59.
AnSim Dataset: Crowdsourced similarity judgments of pairs of animals