CS 074 The Digital World
Spring 2008
Computer Science Department
The College of Arts and Sciences
Boston College

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A Guide to the Binary Editor

The Binary Editor program allows you to view the individual bytes of any file (in binary, hex and decimal formats), to display the file contents as a bitmapped image or play them as audio samples, and to alter the file contents in a systematic way. (Earlier versions of  the program used an Excel spreadsheet with macros that I wrote.  The present version was written by John Houston, '07.)

 This in-class lab exercise will teach you the basics of the program.

Launching the Program

Double-click on the icon named BinEd.jar. The program will start, and display thesave/load page.

Loading a File

Click on the button "Load a File" .  You will be able to navigate around your hard disk and select any file to open.  When the file is opened the view will automatically switch to the Binary Editor page.  This shows the contents of the file, byte by byte, giving each byte's value in  binary, hex, decimal, and---if the byte value is the ASCII code of a character---the assoicated character.

In class I will have you open the text of the short story "The Tell-tale Heart", by Edgar Allen Poe. Since this is a text file, every byte is the ASCII code of a character. For non-text files, byte values greater than 127 will typically appear, and the last column will display "??", since these values do not have any character equivalent.  Notice that the total number of lines in the display (which in this case is the number of bytes in the file) is displayed near the bottom of the left-hand panel.

Modifying File Contents with Formulas

You can modify the contents of the file by entering a formula in the text area to the left of the main display.  The formula is an instruction to replace the contents of each line by a new value.  Formulas are built using integer constants (like 123, 7, etc.) and the operation symbols +,-,*,/,%,M along with parentheses "(" and ")".  Three of these operation symbols need to be explained further:  The symbol  "/" denotes division, of course, but it is integer division, which means that the remainder is thrown away, and only the whole number quotient is retained.  For example, 7/3 evaluates to 2.  The operation "%" gives the remainder from such a division, so that 7%3 evaluates to 1, 6%3 evaluates to 0, and 8%3 evaluates to 2. The operation M computes the maximum of two values, so 3M5 and 5M3 both evaluate to 5.

There are two other elements that go into formulas:  The symbol n or N (you can use either case) means "the number of this line", and if E is an expression denoting a line number, then [E]  denotes "the value in line E".

1. Now let's see the result of  applying some formulas.  If you enter the formula


in the text area, and click the button "Apply to All", then all the displayed byte values will become 97. If you look in the ASCII column, you will see that every byte represents the character 'a'. You should try this out.  By the way, when you do this, the original file on disk is not altered at all; the changes only affect a temporary copy that is being maintained by the Binary Editor program. 

2. Click Undo to restore the original values.  Then enter the formula


and click "Apply to All".  In principle, the value in every line will be replaced by the number of the line.  But actually this creates a problem:  Since bytes can only have values in the range 0 to 255, the program will not be able to follow this instruction correctly once it reaches line number 256.  The rule it follows is: if the computed value of a formula is greater than 255, make the line's value 255.

3. Click Undo again, then enter the formula


You should see that the number of lines in the display has changed.  The program will not display a negative value, and as soon as it encounters one, it ignores the rest of the data.  If you wanted to achieve an effect like the one in the previous experiment, replacing all  negative values by 0, click Undo, and try

(1000-N) M 0

4.Click Undo and now try out the formula


and click "Apply to All".  Now line N contains the remainder N leaves upon division by 56. (This would be a good time to check out the "Play Sound" feature, but we'll get to that later.) 

5.Click Undo and try out the formula


and click "Apply to "All".  This  replaces the value in line N by 7 plus the value in line N---in other words, it adds 7 to every byte in the file. 

6. Click Undo and try


This replaces the value in line N by the value in line N+7.  Thus the contents of line 0 will be replaced by the contents of line 7, the contents of line 1 by the contents of  line 8, etc.  What happens when we get to the line that is just 6 lines from the end of the file?  Then line N+7 has no content, so the program finishes.  The result of applying this formula is to remove the first 7 bytes of the file---this is a very useful trick.

7. Repeat the above experiments with the formulas

[2*N], 2*[N], [N/2] and [N]/2

Try to guess the effect of the formula before trying it out.

8. Now we'll  perform a useful transformation of the text file.  Click Undo again.  If you look at the tables of  ASCII codes, you'll notice that the lower case letters have codes 97 to 122, and the upper case letters 65 to 90.  So if we want to convert all the lower case letters to upper case, we would apply the formula


But if we apply this formula to all the cells, then all the byte values will decrease by 32, not just those representing lower-case letters. Instead of clicking the Apply to All button, click the button Apply..., and specify that you want to apply this transformation only to cells whose values are in the range 97 to 122.

Saving the Result

9. Now go back to the Load/Save view and click "Save as Binary File".  You can save the result under whatever name you wish.  If, after saving, you open the new file in the text editor, you will see that the case has been converted successfully.

Creating  a New File with Formulas

10. We can use the program to create new files instead of modifying existing ones. Go back to the editor view and click "Clear Entire Buffer". Only one line---Line 0 will be visible.  Enter the formula


and click Apply..., then select the option to apply this formula to all cells whose line numbers lie in the range 0 to 94.  This will create 95 lines, which contain the ASCII codes for the printable characters.  Save the result and view it in the text editor.

11. Open the Text Editor, type the line

Cursive writing does not mean what I think it does.

Bart Simpson has to write this on the board 1000 times.  You can help Bart by saving the file, loading it in the Binary Editor and applying the formula


to all lines in the range 0 to 52000.    Can you think of  a way to do this with a minimum of effort using the TextEditor alone?

Last updated on 9-10-2007.