Details for the Boston College site

1.  Directions:  The contest will be held on the first floor of Fulton Hall, on the BC main campus.  You can drive or take public transportation; see here for directions to campus, and here for a detailed map of campus (Fulton Hall is in grid C3 of the map).  Parking is possible on stretches of the north side of Beacon St, or in any of the campus lots.  In addition to the marked parking lots on the map, there is also a lot next to Fulton Hall which you can use; enter from the main gate on Commonwealth Ave.

    If you are coming via the T, note that two of the green-line trains stop near BC.  The B line travels down Commonwealth Ave, and terminates at the northeast corner of campus.  For the D line, get off at the Chestnut Hill stop.  You will be on Hammond St., south of campus.  The walk to Fulton Hall is about the same from either the B line or the D line, but if you have a choice the D line is usually a faster ride.

2.  Schedule:

8:45 - 9:45am: Register in the lobby outside of room 160.  Get your assigned terminal, and practice at it using your contest account. (Note that from 8:30am - 9am we will be setting up so expect delays if you are this early.)

9:45am - 9:55am: VERY short meeting in room 160 solely to introduce the people running the contest and answer questions. In theory, everything you really need to know will be in the handouts which you have read.

9:55am - 10:00am: Teams go to their terminals.

10:00am - 3:00pm: the contest proper. The contest will start with the problems being handed out to the contestants at their terminals at 10:00am sharp. After the contest starts, the contestants can run hpcm_get to set up their problem directories.

about noon: catered lunch for the contestants and coaches.  Please eat OUTSIDE the computer lab.

3:30pm - 4:00pm final meeting to announce winners, in room 157.

3.  Rooms:  All teams will be using the computer lab in room 160.  The judges and scoreboard will also be stationed in that room.  In addition, you are free to use the entire first-floor lobby area, and after 10AM, rooms 111A, 111B, 111C, 155, and 157.  Please be aware that BC holds Saturday classes in some of the other rooms; be respectful.

4.  Teams:  The teams currently scheduled to compete at BC are:

hc3-bc21   BC Eagles
hc3-bc22   Wellesley WACkos
hc3-bc23   U Maine
hc3-bc24   Middlebury Blue
hc3-bc25   Middlebury White
hc3-bc26   Fitchburg Falcons
hc3-bc27   UMass Minutemen
hc3-bc28   WPI Engineers 1
hc3-bc29   WPI Engineers 2