CS 074 The Digital World

Fall 2007
Computer Science Department
The College of Arts and Sciences
Boston College

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Problem Set 6: More Python Turtle Graphics

Assigned: Sunday November 4, 2007
Due: Monday November 12, 2007
Points: 5

More Python and Turtle Graphics

  1. (5 Points) Write a python function tumble that accepts integers height and width and which makes a rectangle of the specified dimensions tumble from the left of the screen to the right. The rectangle should start on the left-hand side of the turtle graphics window and at y coordinate 0. It should then fall to the right "landing" on the y-axis 0. It should then rise up and fall over again. This process should repeat a few times.

    Extra Credit (2 Points): Solve this problem without using the forward or backward functions. Use the goto function instead. Hint: you'll need Math.cos and Math.sin.

    Extra Credit (2 Points): Solve this problem recursively.

    Note: You can get 4 points extra credit by doing both.