CS 074 The Digital World

Fall 2007
Computer Science Department
The College of Arts and Sciences
Boston College

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Problem Set 5: Basic Python and Turtle Graphics

Assigned: Wednesday October 24, 2007
Due: Monday October 29, 2007
Points: 9

Basic Turtle Graphics

  1. (3 Points) Write a python function rightTriangle that accepts x and y coordinates, a height and width and draws a right triangle. For example, a call such as rightTriangle(0,0,200,100) should draw a picture like the following:

  2. (3 Points) Write a python function cube that accepts x and y coordinates, a height, width and depth and draws a 3-D cube. For example, a call such as cube(0,0,100,100,50) should draw a picture like the following:

  3. (3 Points) Write a python function starOfDavid that accepts x and y coordinates and a side length and draws a Star of David. For example, a call such as starOfDavid(0,0,100) should draw a picture like the following: