Discovery of Sleep Types based on Stage Composition of Sleep

(Khasawneh, Alvarez, Ruiz, Misra, and Moonis. "Discovery of sleep composition types using expectation-maximization", Proc. IEEE CBMS 2010, Oct. 2010.)


We have available detailed physiological time series recordings and corresponding sequences of sleep stages determined by human experts, for sleep studies performed on several hundreds of patients in the Sleep Clinic at Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam, CT. All data has been completely anonymized prior to analysis. Using unsupervised clustering, we establish that these sleep recordings can be grouped naturally into a small number of subgroups based on intrinsic properties of the staged sleep signals. Health-related variables such as age, weight, and smoking habit, differ significantly among these "sleep types", suggesting that the clusters found represent medically meaningful entities that may be useful in future sleep research.

Data Preprocessing

Starting from polysomnographic (PSG) recordings that include electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electrooculogram (EOG), and electromyogram (EMG) time series data, technicians at the sleep clinic determine a sequence of sleep stage labels known as a hypnogram, an example of which is shown below.

A feature vector is then extracted from each staged sleep recording, consisting of the values of the following seven summary variables:

Some of the terms involved in defining the summary variables are illustrated below.


The seven-dimensional feature vectors described above were analyzed using unsupervised clustering. Expectation-maximization (EM) clustering for maximum likelihood estimation of a mixture of Gaussians was compared with k-means and hierarchical agglomerative clustering. The number of clusters, k, was specified in advance, as one of the values k=3,4,5. Clustering results were qualitatively similar for the three clustering algorithms, with maximal cluster separation for EM, and hence EM was selected as the clustering algorithm for the results discussed in our paper (Khasawneh, Alvarez, Ruiz, Misra, and Moonis, 2010). Remarkable stability of the clustering results was observed when repeatedly seeding the EM procedure with different randomly selected starting values for the Gaussian mixture parameters. Good separation among clusters was obtained, as illustrated by the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) visualization below, which displays the results for the case of four clusters using a two-dimensional projection that minimizes distortion of inter-point distances.

Sleep Composition types

The clusters found by EM in the seven-dimensional feature space were found to be well separated in two dimensions. This is suggested by the above MDS visualization, in which, however, the axes involve combinations of all seven summary variables. It was found that two of the seven variables used for clustering already provide good discrimination among clusters, specifically sleep efficiency (or total sleep time as a surrogate), and fraction of sleep period time in slow wave sleep (SWS). The clusters found are depicted in the space spanned by these two variables below, for 3, 4, and 5 clusters.

A hierarchical structure is observed in the family of clusterings for different numbers of clusters, k. The cluster consisting of sleep recordings with the lowest sleep efficiency (the instances colored green toward the left side in each of the three graphs within the preceding figure) is stable as the number of clusters increases, while the cluster consisting of instances with the highest sleep efficiency (colored red in the case k=3), subdivides into two clusters (red and cyan) when k=4. An additional subdivision is observed in the transition from k=4 to k=5. The mean values of several health-related variables are found to differ significantly among these clusters, suggesting that the clusters represent medically meaningful entities and are worthy of further study.