CS345, Machine Learning
Prof. Alvarez

Probability Density Estimation using Kernels

Many machine learning techniques require information about the probabilities of various events involving the data. A Bayesian approach, for instance, presupposes knowledge of the prior probabilities and the class-conditional probability densities of the attributes. This information is rarely available and must usually be estimated from available data. Here I illustrate one approach to estimating probability densities using kernel functions.

Kernel Functions

In the present context, a kernel function is simply a predefined probability density, usually something simple like a Gaussian or a bump function. I will assume that the data are 1-dimensional, so that a kernel is a function of a single variable x.

Here is an example of a Gaussian kernel. Note that the values on the horizontal axis are given as multiples of 0.1, for example the points labeled 80 and 100 are actually (100-80)*0.1 = 2 units apart. The area under this curve is really 1 as it should be.

Scaled kernels

Formally, a kernel is a function K(x) that satisfies the following properties:
  1. K(x) ≥ 0 at all points x.
  2. The area under the graph of K(x) equals 1.
A kernel function may be scaled by selecting a width parameter w and considering the new function (1/w)*K(x/w). This new function is also a kernel (check that this is true).

Kernel-Based Estimation

The kernel-based approach to density estimation is very simple. A kernel is first selected in advance, together with the desired kernel width. The density estimate (function) is initialized to 0 everywhere. One then makes a scan over the set of training instances. Each instance contributes to the total density estimate by adding one copy of the scaled kernel centered at the instance in question. The sum is normalized by dividing by the number of instances.

Kernel Estimation Pseudocode

	Inputs: kernel function K(x), kernel width w,
		training data instances x1...xn.

	Outputs: an estimate of the probability density function
		underlying the training data.


		initialize dens(x) = 0 at all points x

		for i = 1 to n:
			for all x:
				dens(x) += (1/n)*(1/w)*K((x-xi)/w)


I performed density estimation on 100 data instances generated using a mixture model. The data are available here. The kernel used for estimation was Gaussian. The results for different kernel widths appear below.


As you can see from the figures below, the choice of kernel width has a big impact on the results of density estimation. Too narrow a kernel yields "spikes" near individual data instances. Too wide a kernel smears out all detail. The right width yields a fairly smooth density while allowing important features of the data to be seen. For example, the above results in the case of width 2 clearly show two peaks in the density. This correctly reveals the fact that two populations were used in generating the data. Statistical parameters such as means and standard deviations may be estimated from the resulting density estimate as well.






