CS 383, Algorithms
Greedy graph algorithms

A general computational optimization task

given a set (or bag) C of candidate elements, given a notion of solution for sets of candidates, given a notion of feasibility for sets of candidates, given an objective function that computes the value of a solution, construct solution set S that is optimal for this objective function


Given a positive integer n, express n as a linear combination of powers of 10 so as to minimize the sum of the coefficients Given a weighted graph G, find a tree embedded in G that includes all of the vertices of G whose edge weight sum is as small as possible

Greedy algorithm design

Sometimes a simple idea will work well The trick is knowing how to recognize this and exploit it Greedy algorithms approach optimization problems in a shortsighted way Basic idea: get as close as possible to a solution in one step Intermediate decisions stick - no backtracking Sometimes easy to guess that greedy algorithms work Often very hard to prove that they actually do Often greedy algorithms *don't* provide optimal solutions but they tend to be fairly efficient

Outline of a general greedy algorithm for the optimization task

Input: bag C of candidates Output: bag S containing a solution function greedy(bag C) { S = empty set while (C not empty) and (not solution(S)) { x = selectBest(C) C = C-{x} if (feasible(S U {x}) S = S U {x} } if (solution(S)) return S else fail (no solutions found) }

Example: base-10 positional notation

Problem: Given a positive integer n, express n as a linear combination of powers of 10 so as to minimize the sum of the coefficients Problem ingredients: C = {candidates} = {bag full of 1's, 10's, 100's, ... all powers of 10} solution(S) = (sum of values of elements of S == n) feasible(S) = (sum of values of elements of S <= n) objective function (S) = number of elements of S Greedy approach (usual base-10 number system): Follows above general outline with selectBest(C) = largest element x of C such that feasible(S U {x})

Some problems don't take as well to greediness

It can be shown that the greedy decimal expansion algorithm yields optimal solutions However, optimality depends on the choice of powers of 10 as the set of candidates If instead one has C = {1, 3, 4, 5, 10}, for example, then for n=7 the greedy algorithm gives S = {5, 1, 1}, which is not optimal since S = {4, 3} also works and is a smaller bag. An approach that *always* returns an optimal solution involves the technique of dynamic programming (to be discussed in a couple of weeks)

Minimal spanning trees

A minimal spanning tree (MST) of a *weighted* graph G is a subtree of G that spans the nodes of G and whose weight is smallest in the class of all spanning trees for G The following relation holds for all trees: #vertices - #edges = 1 => All spanning trees of a graph with n vertices have exactly n-1 edges and any subtree with exactly n-1 edges must be a spanning tree

Greedy approach to constructing MST's

Set of candidate elements: C = {all edges of G} A set of edges is a solution if it forms a spanning tree of G A set of edges is feasible if it contains no cycles Grow a tree T by iteratively adding edges to an initially empty set At each step, select the "best edge" greedily

Two greedy MST algorithms, corresponding to different selection strategies

(Kruskal) Sort the edges of G in order of increasing weight. At each step, choose the lightest edge that does not create a cycle in the partially constructed tree T In Kruskal's algorithm, T starts as a forest of n isolated nodes Each "successful" iteration decreases the number of components by 1 After at most O(n^2) iterations (one for each edge), T is a MST (Prim) Start at some specific node of G. At each step, choose the lightest edge that connects the partially constructed tree T to a node not in T In Prim's algorithm, T starts as a tree containing a single node Each successful iteration adds one node to T, and T is still a tree After O(n^2) iterations, T is a MST

Why greediness works for the MST problem: the Cut Property

Cut Property: Suppose G is a connected undirected weighted graph. If X is a "promising" set of edges of G, in the sense that X can be extended to a MST of G, and if {S, V-S} is a "cut" - partition of the vertices of G - such that no edges of X cross between the two sides S and V-S, then X U {lightest edge that crosses the cut} can also be extended to a MST of G. Proof: Let X and S be as stated, and let T be a MST that extends X. Let e be the lightest edge of G that crosses between S and V-S. If e is in the MST T, we're all set. Otherwise, T U {e} contains a cycle. Let e' be an edge of T that crosses the cut between S and V-S and that forms part of a cycle with e. Then replacing e' with e yields a connected subgraph T' of G with exactly |V|-1 edges, which is therefore a spanning tree of G. Since e weighs no more than e', T' is a MST.

Disjoint sets data type for MST construction

Model collection of connected components as disjoint sets Use directed trees as data structures one tree per set, one vertex per element each edge points toward parent vertex each vertex supports two operations parent(x): vertex that x points to rank(x): return height of tree portion rooted at x keep trees as shallow as possible for efficiency Set operations (times assume union implementation keeps trees shallow): makeset(x): create singleton set {x} time O(1) find(x): return label of set to which x belongs time O(log n) for n elements union(x,y): merge the sets that contain x and y time O(log n) for n elements

Pseudocode for Kruskal's MST algorithm

Input: connected undirected weighted graph G Output: MST of G function Kruskal(weighted graph G) { Sort the edges of G by increasing weight T <- empty set for each vertex v of G makeset(v) sort the edges of G in increasing order of weight do { e <- (u,v) = lightest remaining edge if (find(u) != find(v)) { union(u,v) add edge e to T } } until T contains |V|-1 edges return T }

Analysis of Kruskal's MST algorithm

Note that |V|-1 <= |E| <= |V|(|V|-1)/2 => |E| = O(|V|^2) and |E| = Omega(|V|) Sorting takes time O(|E|*log(|E|)) = O(|E|*log(|V|)) Set initialization takes O(|V|) steps Do loop requires O(|E|) passes Set operations (find and merge) take time O(log |V|) per pass Total time is O(|E|*log(|V|))

Prim's algorithm

(Prim) Start at some specific node of G. At each step, choose the lightest edge that connects the partially constructed tree T to a node not in T In Prim's algorithm, T starts as a tree containing a single node Each successful iteration adds one node to T, and T is still a tree After O(n^2) iterations, T is a MST

Another graph task: single-source shortest paths

Given: a *directed* weighted graph G, and a chosen source (start) node of G Objective: for each target node in G, find the shortest path in G joining the source node to the target node

Dijkstra's greedy algorithm for the shortest paths problem

Label the nodes of the graph as 1..n Let 1 be the label of the source node Need to find the distances from node 1 to nodes 2..n Construct a solution iteratively, by growing a set S of marked nodes Initially, S = {start node} Keep an array distances[2..n] At each step, update the array so that if w is in S distances[w] contains the length of the shortest path from 1 to w if w is not in S distances[w] contains the length of the shortest "S-path" from 1 to w (all nodes in S except w) Add nodes to S until S covers all of G At that point, distances contains lengths of all shortest paths from 1


Draw graph described by weights matrix below Show steps carried out by algorithm

Graph representation: the weights matrix

We'll assume that the nodes of the graph are numbered 1...n, and that the graph is represented by its weight matrix weights[i,j] contains the weight from node i to node j E.g., for the above example, the weights matrix is as follows: 0 20 100 80 inf inf 0 30 inf inf inf inf 0 10 inf inf inf inf 0 25 inf inf inf inf 0

Dijkstra's algoritm: detailed pseudocode

array[2..n] function Dijkstra(weights[1..n, 1..n]) { array distance[2..n] array predecessor[2..n] S = {1} C = {2..n} for i=2 to n { distance[i] = weights[1,i] predecessor[i] = 1 } repeat n-2 times { v = argmin_C (distance[v]) S = S U {v} C = C-{v} for each w in C { if (distances[v] + weights[v,w] < distances[w]) { distances[w] = distances[v] + weights[v,w] predecessor[w] = v } } } return distances (or predecessor, depending on what you need) }

Running time analysis of Dijkstra's algorithm

Theta(n) time for initialization of distances, predecessors Theta(n) passes to grow S on i-th pass, time is C*(n-i) total time for loop: Theta(n^2)

A formal reasoning technique: induction

Often one needs to know that a property holds for all integers n >= 0 The technique of mathematical induction provides a way to achieve this Suppose that one wants to show that a sequence of statements S(n), one for each natural number n, are all true One can use the "domino chain reaction" technique: Think of the statements S(n) as a chain of dominos Showing that S(n) is true is like the n-th domino "falling" We just need to show that the first domino falls, and that if the first n dominos fall, then the (n+1)st domino falls 1) (base case) Prove that S(1) is true (the first domino falls) 2) (inductive step) Show that if all statements S(k) are true for k <= n (if the first n dominos fall), then S(n+1) must also be true (the (n+1)st domino must also fall) Just like with dominos, (1) and (2) together imply that all statements S(n) are true (all dominos fall)

Fact: Dijkstra's algorithm always finds the shortest paths

Prove by induction in the number of passes through the repeat loop: a) if w is in S, then distances[w] contains the length of the shortest path from 1 to w b) if w is not in S, then distances[w] contains the length of the shortest S-path from 1 to w (all nodes in S except w) (Base) For the 0-th pass, S={1}, and both a) and b) hold (Induction step) Assume that a) and b) hold just before node v is added to S in the repeat loop. Show that adding v to S does not affect the truth of a) and b). a) The only new w in S to consider is v. We claim that distances[v] contains the length of the shortest path from 1 to v. If not, there is a better path. By the induction hypothesis *for b)*, distances[v] is guaranteed to contain the shortest S-pathlength from 1 to w. A better path must therefore go through some other node x not in S; let x be the first such node. The length of the better path is >= distances[x]. But distances[x] >= distances[v] (otherwise v would not have been chosen to be added to S), so the better path isn't better. b) Suppose w is a node of G not in S. We claim that distances[w] still contains the length of the shortest S-path from 1 to w now that v has been added to S. Because of the induction hypothesis, this could only fail if the shortest S-path passes through v. By IH, distances[v] contains the length of the shortest S-path from 1 to v. The question now is what the shortest path from v to w is. I claim the length of this segment is weights[v,w]. If not, then v is not the last S-node on the shortest S-path from 1 to w. Let v' be the last S-node on the way to w. The length of the shortest S-path to w is therefore precisely distances[v'] + weights[v',w]. However, the quantity on the right-hand side of this equality was used to update the distances array when v' was added to S, so distances[w] was <= above quantity before the latest (v) update. Because of the way that v was chosen, we know that after the update, distances[w] <= distances[v] + weights[v,w] <= old_distances[w], so things are ok.