CSCI 3383, Algorithms
Depth-first search with backtracking

I describe an example of applying depth-first search to the implicit graph
associated with the nonattacking chess queens problem.


Recall that a graph is just a set of "nodes" or "vertices", together with "edges" (connections) between some pairs of nodes If the connections have a direction, the graph is said to be "directed"

Graph traversals

Many problems involve searching a graph, at least implicitly Examples: most optimization problems require searching for a solution e.g. the knapsack problem (later) "puzzles" such as the n-queens problem also require search the problem is to place n queens on an nxn chess board so that no two queens are in the same row, column, or diagonal each node in the n-queens graph represents a board configuration with some or all of the queens present the search objective is to find a configuration in which all queens have been placed and no two are attacking one another Searching a graph is related to the task of exploring all of a graph's nodes The latter task is called graph traversal

Depth-first graph traversal algorithm

depth_first(v) { S = empty stack mark(v) push v onto S while (S not empty) { while (some w adjacent to top(S) is unmarked) { mark(w) push w onto S } pop(S) } }


1 ---> 2 <--- 3 | | / | | / v v / 5 4 < Depth-first traversal visits 1, 2, 4, 5 upon calling depth_first(1) To get node 3, a separate main procedure would be needed

Searching implicit graphs

Need arises in game playing, puzzles Nodes of graph represent partially constructed solutions Example: n-queens problem Given: nxn chess board, n chess queens Objective: place the n queens on the board so that no two are in the same row, column, or diagonal Root node represents initial empty board configuration Each node adjacent to the root might represent a tentative position for the first queen


Technique for searching for solutions in an implicit graph Variant of depth-first traversal in which nodes are only expanded if they are "promising" in the sense of being feasible precursors to a solution Depends on notion of "k-promising vector" v[1..k] is k-promising if a heuristic indicates that v can be extended to a complete solution v[1..n] Example: n-queens problem v[1..k] represents tentative board positions for queens 1..k v[1..k] is k-promising if no two queens among 1..k are attacking each other

Abbreviated backtracking pseudocode

backtrack(v[1..k]) { if v is a solution report v else for each promising choice of x backtrack(v[1..k];v[k+1]<-x) }

Application to n-queens problem

Place i-th queen in i-th row; only need to decide which column to use Start with queen 1 in row 1 Place in column 1 Record tentative move by pushing data onto history stack Move to next queen Try next column While there's conflict with any previously placed queens, move right If edge of board is reached, backtrack: pop stack, attempt to reposition that queen...

More detailed pseudocode for depth-first search with backtracking for the n-queens problem

s = empty stack of "moves" (each consisting of a queen and a board position) move = (queen 1, position = (row 1, column 0)) current_queen = 1 do { // search for a position for the current queen // the k-th queen goes in the k-th row position.row = current_queen if (position.col > n) // if previous position failed, move queen one column to the right position.col = move.pos.col + 1 else // start by placing current queen in column 1 position.col = 1 while ((there is a conflict between position and previous moves recorded in s) and (position.col <= n)) position.col++ // seek the first non-conflicting position if (position.col > n) { // no admissible position found current_queen-- // backtrack to previous queen if (s is not empty) { move = // pop previous queen's tentative move s.pop() } else // if stack is empty here, we're out of luck - there's no solution report that no solutions exist } else { // no conflict, so record move move.queen = current_queen move.pos = position s.push(move) current_queen++ // on to next queen } } while (current_queen <= n) report solution

Depth-first search results for n-queens problem

I wrote a program based on the above pseudocode. Below is a sample run showing how depth-first search with backtracking solves the 4-queens problem. Notice that once the first two queens have been tentatively placed at (row,col) positions (1,1) and (2,3), there is no admissible position for a queen in row 3. This leads to the first occurrence of backtracking, which results in the second queen being repositioned from column 3 to column 4. However, this change eventually leads to a problem in row 4. Backtracking ensues, triggering a chain of changes that finally results in the repositioning of the first queen from column 1 to column 2. This finally allows a solution. [alvarez@cslabgw1 NQueens]$ nqueens d Enter the number of queens: 4 tentatively placing queen 1 at (row,col) = (1,1) 4 3 2 1 Q 1 2 3 4 trying column 2 trying column 3 tentatively placing queen 2 at (row,col) = (2,3) 4 3 2 Q 1 Q 1 2 3 4 trying column 2 trying column 3 trying column 4 trying column 5 backtracking... tentatively placing queen 2 at (row,col) = (2,4) 4 3 2 Q 1 Q 1 2 3 4 trying column 2 tentatively placing queen 3 at (row,col) = (3,2) 4 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q 1 2 3 4 trying column 2 trying column 3 trying column 4 trying column 5 backtracking... trying column 4 trying column 5 backtracking... backtracking... tentatively placing queen 1 at (row,col) = (1,2) 4 3 2 1 Q 1 2 3 4 trying column 2 trying column 3 trying column 4 tentatively placing queen 2 at (row,col) = (2,4) 4 3 2 Q 1 Q 1 2 3 4 tentatively placing queen 3 at (row,col) = (3,1) 4 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q 1 2 3 4 trying column 2 trying column 3 tentatively placing queen 4 at (row,col) = (4,3) 4 Q 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q 1 2 3 4 Solution found after 12 steps: Total computation time: 0 seconds 4 Q 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q 1 2 3 4 [alvarez@cslabgw1 NQueens]$

Depth-first/backtracking vs. random permutations for n-queens

For comparison purposes, I pitted depth-first with backtracking against a completely different strategy for solving the n-queens problem, namely random search. The latter strategy may be outlined as follows: while (true) { randomly generate board locations for the n queens if the randomly chosen locations solve the n-queens problem report success } This isn't sufficiently detailed pseudocode, as it leaves out details that impact the running time significantly. In particular, how are the random board locations generated? Here are some options: 1) Locations of the different queens are generated independently; for each queen, pick row and column values randomly among the values 1...n 2) Only one queen is placed in each row (as in the backtracking approach), but the column locations are chosen independently for different queens. This option has the advantage of preventing row conflicts by design. 3) Only one queen is placed in each row, and pairwise distinct random column locations are chosen for different queens. This option has the advantage of preventing both row and column conflicts. In practice, option 1) leads to a program with a ridiculously long running time. Options 2 and 3 are better. For the 4-queens problem, for example, 20 runs lead to the following statistics for the number of "basic steps" performed by each algorithm: mean standard deviation random option 2 152 113 random option 3 10 12 backtracking 12 0 Even though the notion of "basic step" used in this table differs across algorithms in a way that favors the random search algorithms (a basic step for the random search algorithms is a choice of locations for all of the queens, while a step for the depth-first algorithm with backtracking involves placing only one queen), these results do show that random option 3 is much faster than random option 2 as expected, and they suggest that random option 3 might even hold its own against depth-first search with backtracking (although it is also clear that both random search options exhibit a large variability in the run times). In order to shed light on the latter issue, I ran random search option 3 against depth-first search with backtracking for larger values of the number of queens, n. Time was used as the metric rather than steps, given the differing notion of step for these two algorithms as mentioned above. The results, shown below, should be interpreted with caution as they reflect only a single run of each algorithm for each value of n. Better temporal resolution would require performing multiple runs of each algorithm for each n, and computing summary statistics. For full disclosure: the times below were obtained on a really old machine (year 2010 or so). The absolute times will be different on new hardware, but relative performance of the two algorithms, and overall qualitative conclusions, will be similar to what is shown here. Running times in seconds for the n-queens problem Programs were timed out after 5 minutes n depth-first search random search option 3 10 0 0.02 11 0.01 0.1 12 0 0.01 13 0.01 0.78 14 0.09 0.23 15 0.06 1.8 16 0.55 18.3 17 0.32 0.5 18 2.5 56.06 19 0.18 157.33 20 15.56 out of time 21 0.71 22 159.01 23 2.46 24 out of time The above results suggest that depth-first search with backtracking is significantly faster than random search for the n-queens problem for "larger" values of n. Notice that the running time for backtracking is less than that of random search for all values of n >= 12. Also, the available program run time of 5 minutes was exhausted by random search for n = 20, while backtracking also managed to finish under the time limit for n=20,21,22,23. Adding 4 to the maximum manageable problem size may not seem impressive. This highlights a fact about exponential running times that is difficult to swallow: multiplying the speed by a constant factor (even a large one) merely adds a constant to the maximum manageable problem size.